Sometimes we just feel like CRAP!

Ok so some days we just feel like crap and can’t really pinpoint why. We all have ups & downs.

But I’m talking about those days when it all just feels too hard, consuming, like your drowning.


From my experience, this feeling can usually be attributed to one or more of the following.  Do you know why I know this? Because I’ve felt like crap many times in my life and through experience I have learnt to check in on:

Negative Self Talk

Stop with your negative self-talk. When something crappy happens, it’s easy to get on the “I’m stupid” or “I’ll never be good enough” wagon.

Be kind to yourself and turn that negative talk into positive talk. Get it down on paper, cross out the negative and repeat the opposite (the positive). Keep repeating till that inner crappy feeling starts to subside.

Lack of Sleep

Not enough sleep or broken sleep can affect you more than you realise. Not just health wise, but in your relationships. You’ll become impatient with yourself and others, you’ll make poor decisions.

Poor Diet

Low in energy, health being challenged, not getting enough enjoyment out of life – you are what you eat!  Not eating well and being aware of what you are putting in your body to fuel yourself ONLY affects you and your loved ones.

Lack of Fitness

Exercise is not only good for your body, but excellent for your mind.

The endorphins released when exercising is better than any chocolate for immediate and long term satisfaction.

Not enough Downtime or ME time

You need to get away, take your mind off work and the responsibilities at home, and relax.  Relaxation might just be resting out in the sunshine (remember slip, slop, slap), or maybe doing other activities and hobbies that bring you enjoyment.

Getting out in nature or rugging up with a good book (you’ve been meaning to read) – it’s YOUR time.

Even if you live to work – downtime is essential to a balanced and happy life.

Your Priorities are out of order

Life’s not happening the way you want – no shit! Take a step back and have a good look at what you are doing.

This is such a big one that you don’t even realise is affecting the every minute and hour of your day.

When you are always juggling a million things, of course you’re going to feel like crap.

Is multi-tasking really getting more things done or just loading you up?

Having a list in order of importance/urgency, but let’s get real about what is really urgent or even important.

Sometimes less is best!

Lack of laughter

If you’re feeling like crap, I wonder how long it’s been since you had a really good laugh.

Dad jokes, kids jokes, animal videos, babies laughing – whatever it is that tickles your fancy!!

Not enough human connection

Feeling isolated?  Even with people around you!

Take responsibility for your connections or lack there of.  Meet-up groups, hobbies, it just takes a smile and one person to start a conversation.

Hanging out with the wrong people

Having said the above, maybe isolation is not your problem, maybe being surrounded by the wrong people is more the issue!

Overly negative people, people who constantly want to have an opinion on your life.  If the connection is not making you feel good – how supportive of your health is that really?

Not doing what you should be doing

You know that constant niggling feeling that you are just not living your life’s purpose.

Having trouble getting up in the morning or not being able to focus.  Maybe you get bored or distracted often.

Listen to that message your mind and body is trying to tell you.

Getting back to what it is that really makes your heart sing – you know what it is!  If you don’t you can get support to find that out.  Click to contact me!

When all else fails – Surrender your CRAP!!

Write, journal, get it all out on paper.  Whilst is it mulling around in your head it becomes overwhelming.  Get it out of your head, and get it on paper.

Anxiety and Boundaries

We talk about boundaries for our kids, we share this with each other, some of us even try to set them.

When we start talking about boundaries for ourselves – wow did you notice the anxiety come up? Why does it cause so much anxiety?

Everytime that feeling of hurt, broken trust, or unhappiness comes up, when in relationships with people, your partner, your children, your family, your work colleagues. Everytime that feeling in the stomach that we often don’t listen to tells us we have been hurt or we are going to be hurt – what do we do?

Often we repeat old habits. Often we blame others! Often we push it down and try to hide it – or better yet, hurt ourselves first. Here’s a good one! We don’t put ourselves out there because that way we won’t get hurt.

But what are we missing out on? What is the true meaning of life? Isn’t it LIVING? Why are we not LIVING? What is stopping you from living the life you deserve?

ANXIETY plays a big part in people’s lives and when we don’t find out what is creating it, we give it the power it wants!

How is Anxiety playing a part in NOT setting your boundaries?


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High Functioning Anxiety – (Hidden behind a SMILE)

Life is all about being successful right?  Everybody has to be seen to be managing!  Only the strong survive!  To ask for help shows a sign of weakness.

High functioning women, holding down a good successful job, being a Mum to their children and all that comes with that (do not get me started).  And if you are lucky enough to be sharing the load with a partner you are a lover and partner too! Yes, you have to keep going, right? Who else is going to pick up the pieces?

What if that driving factor that plays out as motivation is in fact anxiety being disguised.  What if that anxiety is creating such an unhealthy inner-self!

What has to happen for you to take a breath and focus on looking after YOU!

A lot of people think they have to just live with Anxiety and manage, but I don’t see why you do.  We can ELIMINATE it!

Do you have High Functioning Anxiety?

You can look quite successful, turn up early to places, be a YES person, and get a lot done.  High Functioning Anxiety means you look like you’re getting through the day with no problems at all, others may think you always look well dressed and organised and your social calendar always seems full.

What the outside world may not know is that beneath the surface your inner-self is fighting that constant stirring, agitating feeling of anxiety.  You know the feelings of nervousness, fear of disappointing others, fear of failing, fear of not looking like you have it all sorted, of not being that picture of success (because you have it all – right!)

 Where do we go with this now that we know?

  • What are some of your thought patterns that play out like that same movie in your head?
  • What if you were to just mix up the lines a little, and replace some of those lines with ones that support you?
  • Hey, you could even replace some of the characters in your movie!
  • Remember what you already know, and actively build these into your lifestyle
    “YOUR LIFE”   Breathe – Sleep – Water – Healthy Foods!
  • Lastly and most importantly – I wonder if there are any reasons you would want to hold onto this anxiety???

High Functioning Anxiety can be a double-edged sword.
Whilst you fear letting go of what fuels you, it also can be your undoing.

You don’t need to be secretly anxious to succeed.


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